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The Tradition of Contemplative Christianity
Pre-Christian Origins
Historical Figures
Hildegard of Bingen
Francis of Assisi
Meister Eckhart
Contemporary Contemplative Christianity
Contemplative Outreach
World Center for Christian Meditation
Laurence Freeman
Center for Action and Contemplation
James Finley
Cynthia Bourgeault
The Perennial Philosophy
New Monasticism
Multiple religious belonging
Ken Wilber’s Integral Approach
Contemplative Communities
Climate Crisis
Climate Action
Global Ecology
Planetary boundaries and a safe operating space: Johan Rockström
The Gaia hypothesis: James Lovelock & Lynn Margulis
An Earthly cosmology: David Abram
Rethinking nonhuman consciousness: Peter Wohlleben
Wilderness as initiation into wildness: Bill Plotkin
Human ecology: Paul Shepard
Deep Ecology: Arne Naess
Ecological Economics: transitioning to local scales
Local ecologies of place
Language of plants: Stephen Harrod Buhner
Nature deficit disorder: Richard Louv
The poetics of place: Wendell Berry
Ecological education: David Orr
Ecovillages: Towards Sustainability and Community
Contemplative Ecology
Towards a “contemplative ecology”: Douglas Christie
Evolutionary Christianity: Teilhard de Chardin
The Great Work: Thomas Berry
Ecofeminism: Rosemary Radford Ruether
Cosmic Christianity: Matthew Fox & Creation Spirituality
Second Axial Age: Ewert Cousins
Ecology and world religions: The Harvard Project
Trinitarian Theology of Nature: H. Paul Santmire
Ecological Catholicism? Laudato Si
Food, health, ecology: Fred Bahnson
Earliest Contemplative Ecology Approaches
Historical Figures
Historical Figures
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