In this episode, (part one of our two-part conclusion), we aim to tie together – like a nice bow on a Christmas present, know what we mean? – a number of themes (“thoughtlines”) raised throughout the series that present a diverse number of strategies for thinking the present. We engage the notion of thinking strategically relative to scale, and compassionate readings as preferable to egocentric ones. We recur to the theme of “sitting with” rather than getting things done, a spiritual demand the ego resists. How to affirm community rather than technology; the importance of thinking in critical, two-sided terms rather than in polarized terms; and equally, the importance of identifying resources to deal with the present moment rather than a focus on solutions.
15. Conclusion Part 1: Strategies for Thinking the Present
4. State of Emergency: World War II as Precedent for Today
Christopher Peet, , Podcast, 0
In this episode we look at what we’re calling “expansionism”, how the natural tendency of a species to expand...
3. Thinking at Different Scales: The Great Acceleration
Christopher Peet, , Podcast, 0
In this episode we will explore the notion of thinking at different timescales. We will look at four different...
16. Conclusion Part 2: Beyond Hope for the Future: Compassion and Resolve
Christopher Peet, , Podcast, 0
We begin with where the podcast started: one of the characteristics of the contemporary world, which is both an...
10. The Axial Age: 2500 Years Ago
Christopher Peet, , Podcast, 0
This episode introduces our listeners to “the Axial Age”, the time period of the middle first millennium BC. The...
2. Thinking the Present Moment Part 2: Coronavirus and the Impossible
Christopher Peet, , Podcast, 0
In this episode we take a closer look at the COVID-19 global pandemic and corresponding lockdown, discussing what possibilities...
Christopher Peet, , Podcast, 0
Meet your hosts for Afterthought podcast! Dawson Strand, Chris Peet, and Karambir Singh.
11. Are we in a Second Axial Age?
Christopher Peet, , Podcast, 0
We continue our discussion of the Axial Age begun in the previous episode, in terms of how our current...
12. Opposing Scale: Spiritual Practices and Small Communities
Christopher Peet, , Podcast, 0
In this episode, our deep dive into the Axial Age meets the podcast theme of the importance of scale....