Meet your hosts for Afterthought podcast! Dawson Strand, Chris Peet, and Karambir Singh.
15. Conclusion Part 1: Strategies for Thinking the Present
Christopher Peet, , Podcast, 0
In this episode, (part one of our two-part conclusion), we aim to tie together – like a nice bow...
14. The Ego and its Discontents
Christopher Peet, , Podcast, 0
The identification of the ego with power structures greater than itself, raises a whole host of questions around ego...
12. Opposing Scale: Spiritual Practices and Small Communities
Christopher Peet, , Podcast, 0
In this episode, our deep dive into the Axial Age meets the podcast theme of the importance of scale....
13. Power in History
Christopher Peet, , Podcast, 0
Power manifests in a regularly recurring historical pattern: when there is a successful critique of the dominant power and...
7. After Modernity, what? Postmodernity, Ultramodernity, Multiple Modernities
Christopher Peet, , Podcast, 0
We discuss different ways to understand the “end” of the modern Western worldview: does it end? Does it entrench...
2. Thinking the Present Moment Part 2: Coronavirus and the Impossible
Christopher Peet, , Podcast, 0
In this episode we take a closer look at the COVID-19 global pandemic and corresponding lockdown, discussing what possibilities...
1. Thinking the Present Moment: The World as a Convergence of Crises
Christopher Peet, , Podcast, 0
In this first episode of the Afterthought series we introduce some of the global crises that our world is...
5. Mobilization
Christopher Peet, , Podcast, 0
This episode examines the modern worldview in terms of its understanding of unlimited growth, and how this set the...