Meet your hosts for Afterthought podcast! Dawson Strand, Chris Peet, and Karambir Singh.

Meet your hosts for Afterthought podcast! Dawson Strand, Chris Peet, and Karambir Singh.
Globalization means that economically, industrially, technologically, all humans have become interconnected. In this episode we argue the other side...
We continue our discussion of the Axial Age begun in the previous episode, in terms of how our current...
In this episode we look at what we’re calling “expansionism”, how the natural tendency of a species to expand...
The identification of the ego with power structures greater than itself, raises a whole host of questions around ego...
In this episode, our deep dive into the Axial Age meets the podcast theme of the importance of scale....
In this first episode of the Afterthought series we introduce some of the global crises that our world is...
If key to the modern Western worldview was the discovery of deep space, deep time, deep process, and deep...
This episode examines the modern worldview in terms of its understanding of unlimited growth, and how this set the...
Christopher Peet, PhD, is Professor of Psychology at The King’s University, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Chris published his first book Practicing Transcendence in 2019, his first podcast Afterthought in 2020, and in 2021 he established the nonprofit organization "Institute for Contemplative Ecology".
In June 2021 I started up the non-profit 'Institute for Contemplative Ecology', a land-based education, research, and retreat center. I hope to apply the research and background that went into my book and podcast, as well as the work behind this website in terms of 'contemplative ecology', in the form of an Institute.